Dear Interwebs,
I wish I had time to blog more, but I’ve been dumping all my writing energy into The Robot Galaxy Series and plans for a BRAND NEW series afterwards. Actually, at the moment, I’m torn between whether or not after Book 4 of The Robot Galaxy Series is complete, whether I should move on to something new, or work on the potentially three stand-alone novels I have plans for within the same universe and same characters… It’s moot until I actually finish book 4, but it’s something I ruminate on A LOT.
I have found time for FB Live, however! I love it. I love going on live with short videos and then done…. no editing after! I recently started a series where I’m talking about one of my favorite sci-fi authors of all time, Isaac Asimov.
You see, I collect his books. I want to have one of all of them someday. A tall order, I know. I have 89 so far out of… 500 or so. I don’t think anyone knows exactly! Well, weekly, I’m talking about them on FB live, and the videos stay around for 30 days, so follow me here if you’re a FB person:
And if you want to read the Asimov books I talk about, but don’t want to buy them, consider They seem to have quite a collection!
Asimov is absolutely one of my inspirations. Reading his short stories when I was a teenager and young adult can be directly attributed to what got me here today…
…which has been spending my mornings researching some of the finer details that I’m applying to my current book, Silly Insane Humans, which is Book 3 in The Robot Galaxy Series. I’m just going to core dump a whole bunch of websites that have been helpful or interesting:
That’s about it for today!
Until next time…