It’s me! And if you look REALLY closely at my scarf, you’ll see it’s a Math scarf!

Hi! I’m Adeena and I speak to teachers, parents, and students about STEM. It’s a cool (not crazy nor foolish) career path and more than ever we need people who will not just have a job, but have a robust passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math!
My mission is to use my love of science fiction – which made me ask questions about the Universe and wonder if I could help make what I saw in TV and movies a reality – to inspire the next generation…
It’s me! And if you look REALLY closely at my scarf, you’ll see it’s a Math scarf!
Popular Talks
“You Can Still Build a Spaceship, Even If You Suck At Math!”
We all know that starships and satellites are cool! But did you know that you DON’T need to be a math genius to work on them? Adeena Mignogna has been working on satellites since the late 1990s and is here to tell you what it really takes to work on present-day satellites and spacecraft. If you’re someone who has dreamed of working in the aerospace industry, or if you’re the parent or teacher of students who are interested, but might be discouraged because of math, come hear Adeena tell you about the skills that really do matter to make it in the industry.
1. Not all “rocket scientists” or people who are successful in the Aerospace industry are super-star math students
2. Systems Engineering is a vital area in aerospace and is less math-intensive than other fields
“Space Junk: The Challenge of Cleaning Up Earth’s Orbit”
Ever wondered what happens to outdated satellites or spent rocket stages? Discover the clutter circling our planet and learn about the risks this debris poses to ongoing and future space missions. (NOTE: Adeena is constantly updating this talk as new developments are occurring all the time!)
1. Space debris is a growing thread to the sustainability of space activities, with 10s of thousands of objects currently tracked in Earth’s orbit
2. International teamwork and cutting-edge technologies are crucial for tackling the space debris problem
“Just Because We Went to the Moon, Doesn’t Mean It’s Easy!”
Without the use of any modern computing equipment, NASA put several men on the moon and returned them home safely. Several times. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. In fact, it might even be harder now! Come learn why!
1. It took MANY missions before we successfully landed anything on the Moon, let alone people
2. Understand NASA’s upcoming Artemis missions
“Space is cool, but space travel gets REALLY hot!”
Venture with us beyond Earth’s atmosphere while learning some of the basics at what makes keeping a habitable space station not too hot, not too cold, but just right. Come get cozy — but don’t touch that thermostat — as we dial in on the dynamic dance of heat and cold necessary for space exploration.
1. Thermal engineering is a key and vital part of developing spacecraft
“Science Fiction… Gateway to STEM“
There is a dire need for people with STEM skills in the workforce. STEM fields are the fastest growing and highest paying career fields, yet not enough students are choosing to study a STEM or STEM-related field.
1. Understand that science fiction is a gateway to appreciating real-world science and technology
2. Get a recommendation for 5 popular science fiction movies that gets a lot of science right
3. Take away 4 key STEM-thought-provoking questions to ask after watching any movie
“Unearth Your Future STEM Career“
There is a misconception that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields are only for straight-A students or students who already know they want to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon. But pursuing a STEM major is for anyone and everyone who has an interest or passion for it. From biology to chemistry to engineering to computer science to dozens of other majors, STEM is the gateway for a wide variety of future opportunities, and the world needs young minds with passion and interest.
1. Understand what a college STEM education and career looks like
2. Discover 5 reasons to focus on a career in STEM
3. Take-away 3 tangible actions to help determine if STEM is right for you
“Unearth Possibilities“
In the 1960s, 70s, 80s, who thought that the kind of daily world-wide face-to-face communication technology we use today was possible? Science fiction writers and fans. In the 1940s, 50s, who thought that the weather satellites that started to launch in the 60s and 70s, that save thousands of lives each year was possible? Science fiction writers and fans.
Throughout the last century and continuing today, science fiction has been on the forefront of innovation and creativity, spurring those with imaginations to bring the science and technology of dreams into reality.
1. Understand that science fiction is a gateway to appreciating real-world science and technology
2. Discover 5 technologies that were envisioned in science fiction before they existed in real life